One of the more unusual spirits for sale anywhere is made by an innovative distillery inTamworth, N.H.
12/17/24, 2:40 PM This whiskey is made in N.H. with spruce tips and a roasted goose 1/3
Tamworth’s newest release is worthy of your next holiday party, and not only as a greatconversation piece. Spruce & Goose is a whiskey, made with handpicked white sprucetips and an actual roasted goose. The distillates from those natural products are blendedwith dried plums and two-year-old bourbon whiskey.
It would be irresponsible as a drinks writer to cover a goose whiskey and not actually tryit, so I picked up a bottle of the 100-proof spirit myself. Poured into a glass, Spruce &Goose smells like an evergreen tree. The roasted goose flavor doesn’t come into play untilyou drink it, and even then you
the goose more than taste it. Spruce & Goose has anotable viscosity, a fattiness that you can feel in your mouth. There’s a tiny hint ofgaminess in the flavors here, but otherwise it mostly tastes like any other whiskey.There’s some thought to the flavor profile here, as the sharpness of the spruce tipsbalances out the roasted goose nicely.
Spruce & Goose isn’t cheap: a 200ml bottle sells for $65 and is available to order at
. It’s sold onsite at Tamworth Distilling, as well as at NewHampshire state liquor stores.
Gary Dzen can be reached at
Tamworth Distilling was founded by Steven Grasse, a marketer who, in 1999, came upwith the brand Hendrick’s Gin. At Tamworth, Grasse and his team make spirits entirelywith ingredients farmed or foraged